Guillaume & The Coutu Dumonts

Twice Around The Sun

Guillaume & The Coutu Dumonts - Twice Around The Sun

Racing between the tangible warmth of the past and the thrilling unknown of the future, Guillaume Coutu Dumont comes flying back within our reach to impart his time-spanning gospel for a third album of subversive house music. After he last graced us with the smoky hue of ''Breaking The Fourth Wall'', Guillaume returns in a state of evolution. From the earthy rattle of the natural percussion on ''Last Call'' to the sultry coo of the sax on ''Constellation'', this album is undoubtedly his, and yet there's a different kind of forward momentum at work here. It manifests itself in the primal beat and Eastern mysticism of the bass line in ''Time Outta Joint'', or the frantic swing and scatty keys of ''Discotic Space Capsule''. While the thump of the drums is a familiar trope for any lover of dance music, there are cosmic incantations being whispered in the synthesisers and sound effects that elevate the dancefloor to an astral plane somewhere up above.

2LP Circus Company: CCS071