Delano Smith
Precipice Ep

Precipice Ep has three hypnotic tracks of organic Motor City textures and house rhythms. Mariana’s Song builds with the strong fluid motion omnipresent in all Smith’s productions. Mechanical drums drive a rugged analogue bass line, while flowing pads are layered to create a bright soundscape. The track is one to captivate the floor, building effortlessly to lock it into step. Set over a tight locomotive groove, Delano’s talent for twisting up vocal samples creates a smokey, atmosphere on Celebration. Toughening the drums and easing in the bottom end, choice drum fills heighten the impact of the beautifully swung drums. The dusty beats on Dream Come True bounce with a wide eyed rawness. At once fragile and assertive, the soft chords are reclined above a gently insistent bass line to give the floor or the home stereo a comfortable ride.
12inch | Mixmode: MixM011 | out of stock |