Harry Baldi

I Can't Kick This Feeling When It Dubs

Harry Baldi - I Can't Kick This Feeling When It Dubs

The label say: The mysterious WPBH label strikes again with two killer tracks from the vaults of one certain Harry Baldi. All that is known about this Harry Baldi character is that he once squeezed 100 tracks into a 9 seconds mix on his Soundcloud and that he has never played at Panorama Bar or any other club for that matter. So this one is truly a matter of the music doing the talking, and with the reggaefied dubness of 'Can’t Kick This Feeling When It Dubs' and the vintage Theo Parrish-styled 'Tonight Tomorrow' the music will well and truly talk to a lot of music lovers.

One sided 12 WPBH: WPBH03