Mind Fair

C.E.R.E.M.O.N.Y ? Hiding From My shadow

Mind Fair - C.E.R.E.M.O.N.Y ? Hiding From My shadow

The first part of another Golf channel double header from the insanely prolific and scarily on form combination of Dean Meredith & Ben Shenton.

A side 'c.e.r.e.m.o.n.y' has been dubbed 'the barnyard stomp' by split secs' / sonns' Travis Kirschbaum (aka TK Disco) - 11 minutes of bluesy peyote riot that features Derek Holt of 70's black country legends The Climax Blues Band.

B side 'Hiding from my Shadow' is ripe with the funk too, but takes us away from the fertile stench of the psychedelic session in the barn and instead channels Minneapolis via Stafford as P-funk squiggles give way to Mr. Meredith's trademark chugging bass.

Metal and Technology vs Mother Earth in an elemental battle - both sides WIN!

Golf Channel every time !

12inch Golf Channel: Channel037