English Rose Ep

''English Rose kicks off the fresh new Jimpster biz in fine style
with the most majestic of tracks, single-handedly announcing that
summer is officially here. A sense of anticipation pervades as the
chunkiest of disco breaks drive the track, hazy vocal pads
occasionally piercing the layers of spinning echoes.
Up next we have Solitude, an afro-techno soundclash infused with
that trademark Jimpster sound where the devil is in the detail of
this beautifully subtle and rolling groove.
Finally we have Drakkar Noir which once again attempts to hypnotize
you with a relentless old-school house groove and simple, drifting
synths. Distant vocals go in and out of focus as the track ebbs
and flows, finally deciding to call it a day after nearly nine
minutes but still manages to leave you wanting more.
12inch | Freerange: FR204 | out of stock |