Ross 154
Until my Heart Stops / Kaoz

Repress of one the most beautiful Dutch house records ever.
''The second release on the M>O>S record label could have been part of Hollands rich techno-history, if released when the tracks were made. Dating back as early as 1993, these two tracks come straight out of a plastic bag full of SA90 tapes in Ross154's bathroom (thats where he plays his music LOUD) and a cardboard box filled with cassettes rediscovered while moving Aroy Dee into his way too expensive spacious loft in the historical centre of Amsterdam.
Anyway, it all fell into place on a Christmas-diner at NWAQ-headquarters where these gems hit the speakers throwing Peel into a manic fit and Aroy jump out the front door puking his guts out in a format which would have made the Pizza Hut sue for copyright reasons. Fortunately, this wasn't about the music but about the chef, and all was forgiven in the end. It took some effort to polish these tracks so they could be released (I don't think Dexter will talk to us ever again) but here they are, bright and shiny!
'Until my heart stops...' is probably the older of the two, and has survived the humid environment of the mystical washing facilities rather well. I guess he likes to shower long, but never too long. 'Kaoz' is a small part of the now infamous My old piano sessions at the hangout of Haarlem DJ-collective Kaoz Connection, which where heavily inspired by KLF, The Orb and J-J-J-jack fever. Named after the always-present Diana Ross evergreen 'My old piano' on 33rpm these sets they were a pretty mad mix of live electronics and odd tunes, and always ended in either a neighbourhood riot or a civilized police-request. Unfortunately most of these sets are lost forever, but somehow someone managed to press record while the 154 was doing some serious knob twisting.
Too keep it short, heres some old shit for new times. Enjoy! ''
12inch | M>O>S: MOS002re | out of stock |