H. Tical
Impact Synthesized Sound And Music

From the very first second, ''Impact – Synthesized Sound And Music'' is a difficult, icy release, embracing many cornerstones of what would become known as industrial music. These 16 sonic experiments are totally devoted to synthsizers, which are the main architects of whirling escapes, white noise and sonic landscapes in the mood of early Warp releases. ''Impact – Synthesized Sound And Music'' was originally released via Armando Sciascia’s Vedette label in 1971, under the alias H. Tical: it’s a really peculiar library music album, filled with incredibly contemporary sounds and atmospheres. Unlike ''Distortions'' by Blue Phantom, whose supergroovy and almost hard-prog tracks are all credited to H. Tical, this is a totally different sonic planet – and it’s difficult to figure out which kind of images could be paired with such an extreme experiment, which is a one-of-a-kind effort in Sciascia’s more traditional career as a composer. Moreover, the musical delirium is enhanced by the usual beauty of the titles – such as ''Colluvium'', ''Metastasis'', ''Trigonos'', ''Intercosmic'', ''Rubidio'', or ''Laser'', mixing Latin and English languages. This is a wonderful, alienating album made of “static” music, totally estranged from the idea of movement. A true desert island album – or, better said, an abandoned planet album…
LP | Intervallo: INT009 | in stock |