Various Artists
Rare Music From The Cometa's Archives 1

The world of Italian library music is a confusing, mysterious and expensive one. It's confusing as some tracks appear across different libraries, some appear in the UK or in France, It's mysterious because there is little documentation about anything, old labels still emerge out of nowhere, and often in Italy no one knows who owns what or why or how. And it's expensive to buy original Italian library records, even more expensive if they are good. One of the most collectible and consistently entertaining Italian labels was SR, set up as part of the Sermi Cable Company in the late 1960s. This is the compilation of music from that very company. Many of the music from that original catalogue is now owned by Cometa. But not all of it. Bearing that in mind we believe this is the best compilation we could put together using the resources available. The music is incredible. And beautiful. And not expensive now. And that's why we did it. Killer percussion, superb jazz, odd global sound, beautiful library music.
- 01 G. Carnini - Funny Mood
- 02 S. Chimenti : E. Pieranunzi - Incessante
- 03 M. Guantini - Giochi Della Gioventu M3
- 04 G. Carnini - Brain
- 05 Teimar : G. Ducros - Mistery Tour
- 06 W. Rizzato: S. Chimenti - Grumbling (2)
- 07 G. Tommaso - Dissenso
- 08 Teimar - Movimenti Ritmici
- 09 M. Guantini - Giochi Della Gioventu M1
- 10 M. Faneschi - Barcamenandoci M25
- 11 S. Chimenti : G. Declich - Maison Verte
LP | Cometa Edizioni Musicali: CMT048 | in stock |