Zu Dobson
Apple Knife / Wisdom Of Rumi

''Greetings fellow lovers of abstract truth.
How's living in a dystopian now working out for you?
Here's hoping a new birdscare release can help take the edge off...
It's by Zu Dobson. And who's Zu Dobson?
I honestly wish I could tell you.
She approached me at an A.L.F.O.S. gathering of the faithful and gave me a CD of her work with nothing on it but a PO address written on it. After corresponding by letter for a while we agreed that ''Apple Knife'' and ''Wisdom Of Rumi'' would be the first release (of hopefullly many). I only met Ms. Dobson fleetingly and she has no on-line presence so her identity is vague even to me. So next time you're on the dancefloor that young woman dancing next to you could well be ZU DOBSON.
Fondant regards... Andrew Weatherall''
12inch | Bird Scarer: BS006 | out of stock |