DJ Sotofett Feat. Osaruxo & Diskomo
Live A Pool, Tokyo (26th of November 2017)
DJ Sotofett Feat. Osaruxo & Diskomo - Live A Pool, Tokyo (26th of November 2017) (7inch)

This 12 min. 7inch with 7 tracks carries flashback excerpts from DJ Sotofett's annual improvised live concerts at Pool, Tokyo. Taken from the 2017 edition feat. Tokyo's Osaruxo playing violin and Diskomo on mono synth & efx. Glittery, twinkly & glitchy noise, abruptly booming & drawn out it carries atmospheres & counter (re-)active elements typically generated by the moment of sonic symbios & interactive attention. Spacial & girded sonics!
7inch | Sex Tags Amfibia: Amfibia028 | in stock |