S.O.N.S presents SYO
Tears / D.U.N.E.

***Alert! Slightly bent corners*** Far away from earth is Seylanide the mysterious planet of the Erkaargs, and its seven moons. On the first moon, Nuagon, are the infinite oceans. Long time ago the monks living on flying temples wanted to protect their precious island Oramont from local pirates and sea looters. By powerful magic they created a complex mirror reflection system that virtually made the ocean infinite, merging itself to the sky. Thus Oramont was hidden from invaders. But the sorcery was so powerful that the monk themselves never managed to reach the island again. SYO is the damned prince. Son of Queen Narkelia he was destined to become king of Nuagon. But he fell in love for a gypsy girl who broke his heart, leaving him in tears. He decided to run away from his destiny and from his kingdom, living as a hermit, far in remote dunes in the desert. ***Alert! Slightly bent corners***
12inch | S.O.N.S.: SO-06NI-NS/NIO001 | in stock |