Fierce Ruling Diva

For the end of 2019 Temple Traxx presents another Lower East Side Production: ''The Berlin Project” by Fierce Ruling Diva. The duo released their 1st house 12'' in 1989 when Jeff ''Abraxas'' Porter and Jeroen Flamman made a name with their lager than life rave anthem ''Rubb It In”, and the Sound Factory classic “Atomic Slide (You Gotta Believe)” as Fierce Ruling Diva. They played a pioneering role in the early Amsterdam house scene with their after hours clubs Subtopia and Planet E.
In the early nineties Fierce Ruling Diva took their show throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico & Europe. In Germany they performed at MayDay ''The Judgement Day'' and Christopher Street Day, Berlin. Earlier this year they released ''Sniff The Bassline” and now with ''The Berlin Project” they show once more that no-one else deserves the crown for deep, dark and pounding house music like they do: Fierce Ruling Diva!
12inch | Temple Traxx: TTXX0009 | out of stock |