Sassomatic presents Cocamoto Exclusivo
Slime Pride

Who is behind those beautifully weird electro boogie tunes on Must! recordings? The latest hint came from the anonymous label source itself in form of this information: ESTO ES UNA ENTREGA ESPECIAL A USTED DE NUESTROS HÉROES DE BERLÍN SOLAMENTE Y ESPECIALMENTE PARA SU DANCEFLOOR, UN CONCEPTO DE LAS ÉPOCAS OLVIDADAS REEVALUADAS PARA LOS ESTÁNDARES DE HOY. HECHO DENTRO DE LAS ESCALERAS SUPERIORES DEL CIELO. Bizzare, innit, cause we were always keeping our focus on outer space, but do extraterrestrial speak spanish (on the other hand: would
earthlings really have ''Slime Pride'')? frankly, who cares, as long as they keep on delivering the hot italo-electro-boogie biz as they do here and make us shake our asses, pump our fist and sweat away to it down here on earth...
12inch | Must!: Must006 | out of stock |