Exzakt / BFX
Nasty Girl

Monotone is setting out on a mission to make 2020 one of the most productive years of the 19 since its inception. Exzakt teams up with fellow Electro Breaks legend, BFX and the output is very strong. Originally produced for submission to an Egyptian Lover compilation, Nasty girl is laced with vocoder vocals as well as a female voice over hard hitting bass beats and deep baselines. This is a tune tailored for the club however retains its depth like many Exzakt & BFX tunes usually do. With Nasty Beats is the instrumental. As if Side A comes just as strong. Starting with BFX, Jelly offers his signature melodic sound along with low end frequencies all culminating into a solid Electro tune. Finally a deep cut from Exzakt, Taking Over The System is a perfect end to this future classic vinyl.
12inch | Monotone: MON021 | out of stock |