Moo Latte

Moo Latte: ''Snax'', my 5th longplay album, is a collection of 16 compositions, contrasting flavours and textures. Each of them is served as a small appetizer. Some are easily digestible, even dietary, some are greasy and full of calories. Each individual song is rather brief and can be a perfect little snack in the middle of a day. However! They will taste the best if you take your time, have a bite of one after another and enjoy the feast. From starters to desserts. Warning! This album may contain peanut products! Cooking those instrumental tracks, I yet again explored my jazz background and combined instrumental improvisations with hip-hop, ethno and soul inspirations. Whole album is kept in a non-binding lo-fi vibe but maintaining the hi-fi level of attention to details. With ''Snax'' I decided to go for a much wider palette of sounds unlike my previous, more conceptual albums. The last track ''Worth it'' features a charizmatic Philadelphia based artist - Ler Stevens which has shed a new light on my instrumental joint ''Coins''. The artwork has been created in a collaboration with a talented Polish illustrator - GBUR.
LP | U Know Me Records: UKM097 | out of stock |