Kerem Akdag
Kerem Akdag LP

Across eight tracks Kerem demonstrates a breadth of skills that most artists would work a lifetime to achieve. From the stepping beats of When I Think Of You to his subtle vocal layers on Isolated and from the woozy beach vibes of Sultan to the squelching, rasping synths of Unite it's clear that there's very little that's outside of Kerem's arsenal. The album rounds out fittingly with Drums Please, which perfectly displays Kerem's jazz tendencies, a slow grooving track whose crescendo of stabs and drums create a song that's more powerful than its parts.
Kerem Akdag's debut album clearly sets out the stall for a man who has a lot to say and has the capability to say it loud!
LP | Dimensions Recordings: DIREC005 | out of stock | |
Also available @ D\G\T\L |