Laure Boer

Les cites englouties

Laure Boer - Les cites englouties

Laure Boer is Kashual again. And not so Plastik. Zoning dark-ish into her inner realms of journey music. Poetic, psychic, reflective, ejective. She sings. Weeps. Speaks. Intimate looping narratives, celebrating personal glories and all those worries. Stylistically alternating from electroacoustic dimensions to drone guitar amp personas, from folk melodiousness to witchy avant-notes. Ten drifters for the Lomaxed creatures, earthbound, and always up there in the luminaries. Music that rubs off on the now, that loses itself in itself, always remaining welcoming. Contemporary folk for folks without country. Echoing endlessly scenic.

LP Kashual Plastik: KP13