Lafayette Afro Rock Band

Soul Makossa

Lafayette Afro Rock Band - Soul Makossa

In 1971, an undocumented seven-member Afro-American ensemble known as the Bobby Boyd Congress made a transformative journey from the United States to France. Their original plan was a brief 6-month stint in Paris but surprisingly, they ended up staying for a decade.

The band, residing in Paris and immersed in the African-dominated Barbesse district, began infusing African elements into their music frequently performing with Paris-dwelling Camaroonian and legendary composer Manu Dibango. Rechristening themselves Lafayette Afro Rock Band, the group's musical direction shifted towards predominantly instrumental compositions, characterized by a weightier, more intricate Afro-funk sound. Their debut recording under this new moniker, ''Soul Makossa'', made a powerful impact.

This remastered reissue, the first of its kind, meticulously crafted by The Carvery from the original tapes, showcases the album in its entirety and includes the full original artwork.

LP Strut: STRUT300LPRE (Blue color vinyl)