Big Whoops

GIVE IN TO SIN. From within the long-locked tombs of lesbian lore smoke rises
and draws its whispering curtain across the wide open sky…and where there’s
smoke, there’s fire. Secrets concealed by thick drunken clouds resurfaces naked
truths in the last gasps of smouldering ashes.
Oh you thought it would stay a secret? We’ve let sleeping lezzies lie long enough.
It’s time to face the music. Welcome to BIG WHOOPS… Maara’s inaugural
offering on her new label, Ancient Records. With this driving debut, Maara
excavates the scrolls, archives, and dossiers upon which our past was built and our
future depends.
A wish for a world of sweet sapphic symbiosis—a fantasy, perhaps, or a waking
dream? Nothing is promised except for right now. The past manifests in the
present, both a blessing and a curse. Ancient Records fulfills your dark club
fantasies as Maara unearths simmering secrets and hidden truths in a rapturous
ushering in of a new era. Never forget where you came from, and just wait until
you see where we’re going…
12inch | Ancient Records: AR-001 | upcoming |