Lara Orfei
Se Mi Rompi Non Ci Sto

Lara Orfei was part of the Italia Orfei circus and entertainment family dynasty who often had forays into the realm of the record industry and Se Mi Rompi Non Ci Sto is one of the outcomes of that. However, these ventures weren’t always commercially successful as is the case with this record which of course has led to the an original copy becoming very difficult and expensive to acquire. However, it most certainly can be considered an artistic success - with Lara Orfei’s strange, otherworldly voice melted perfectly with the track’s cosmic electronics - which are also able to stand alone and shine through in the Instrumental version on the B-side. Having been released on seven inch, we are more than happy to bring this cult classic of Italo Disco onto 12 inch format for your enjoyment with the inclusion of extended edit by Castro to further facilitate dancefloor transcendence.
12inch | Thank You: Thankyou043 | upcoming |