The Projects ep

This second release from Glasgow's Fortified Recordings is a departure in sound from their first acclaimed EP by Dundee's Loops Haunt, but all the same in attitude. This patchwork quilt of laced beats, field recordings and intensive sample editing has made manifest a four track EP that simultaneously references the work Steve Gurley, Todd Edwards,Carl Craig, My Bloody Valentine, The Cocteau Twins and Roy Davis Junior via the bastardised strains of 2-Step and House practiced by the likes of Ramadanman, Untold and Joy Orbison, peppered with that magic elusive El_B swing that only the greats are able to achieve. With the intensity of the best club music and invokes the cosmic spirit of classic motor city techno with an uplifting and deep soulful vibe that reveals layers of orchestrated natural sound upon repeated listens. In other words, it's sexy as fuck.Yes thats some proper name dropping by the label hype text... but check the sounds yourself!!
12inch | Fortified Audio: ELIM002 | out of stock |