Coppice Halifax
Analog Botany Box Set

Following on the success of the Workingman's Drone box set, Milieu Music realized there was another set of twelve EPs that they would really love to give some sort of a box to put them in, so they present this box set for the entire Analog Botany series. This 34-track (on mini CD format, over 4 hours long) set includes the following releases: Ganymede Icecaps, Porcelain Surfaces, Red Valerian, Falling Ovals, Southland Mirror, Cinnamon Smoke, Pine Yellow, Submarine Green, Blackforest Dirt, Beach Glass, Dry Seasons, Endless Dusk and the exclusive bonus release Dusk Overgrowth. The box is a unique folded design using colored cardstock and stickers. Huge collectors set!
- 01 ganymede
- 02 icecaps
- 03 icecaps II
- 04 porcelain
- 05 surfaces
- 06 surfaces II
- 07 red
- 08 valerian
- 09 falling
- 10 ovals
- 11 ovals II
- 12 southland
- 13 mirror (side a)
- 14 mirror (side b)
- 15 cinnamon
- 16 smoke
- 17 smoke II
- 18 pine
- 19 yellow
- 20 yellow (loop)
- 21 sub
- 22 marine
- 23 green
- 24 black
- 25 forest
- 26 dirt
- 27 beach
- 28 glass
- 29 glass (repeat)
- 30 dry
- 31 seasons
- 32 endless
- 33 dusk
- 34 dusk II
13xCD Box Set | Milieu Music: MMABBox | out of stock | |
Also available @ D\G\T\L |