
Sweet release with some gentle melancholic tracks that stay away from the stereotype dogmas. Especially B1 is super nice, but not a bad track on this.
''Powder is a young producer raised in rural Japan, now living in Tokyo. She wakes daily at 6AM, squeezes onto a packed subway and commutes to a bland office building where her day is consumed by the electronics industry — a banal world of blank stares, uniforms, data entry and soliciting phone calls. She cherishes her lunch break, a solitary hour of astral projection where her daydreams cull inspiration for another life, her nocturnal routine. At 9PM the day closes, as her co-workers flock to the Izakaya for beers, Powder rushes to her micro home-studio to exorcize her daily demons, constructing a tropical temple to house her immaculate vision. She slaves away, unabashed until sunrise, when her routine begins again, however, today's lunch break is an escape into her headphones where she will revisit her soundtrack inspired by lights, colors, hometown memories, and the imaginary worlds where the fruits of her labor will live''
12inch | ESP institute: ESP029 | out of stock | |
Also available @ D\G\T\L |