

Lycurgus - Panzer1020

Very industrial and heavy, certainly no manierism of 'techno music' anymore, but rather transcended into 'phenomenai' of the fearful 'Kosmos', tragic Ouranos' 'Pankration', all that seems to manifest both wave and particle properties, as apparantly the right block of 'Parian marble' had been provided, already containing the very statue itself inside it, for the old, yet merciless tape and tube mastering machines that simply generate 'Xaos', this elusive and inscrutable 'quantum-engineering' process of 'Natura ex Machina', and that, guided by Providence herself, 'chiseled away like old Praxiteles the soft flesh of the 'kouros' until the bare shapes, 'ideai' of things finally came discovered and exposed' to the human ear and body, simply allowing the sound to 'fall right into its proper natural space form' or, perhaps, like in 'La Divina Commedia' our sad Poet Laureate in Purgatory did wonder: 'Poi s'ascose nel foco che li affina', 'Then hid him in the Fire that purifies them'.

12inch Panzerkreuz: Panzer1020