Piero Piccioni
Una Tomba Aperta... Una Bara Vuota

A stunning Piccioni score for the soundtrack of the homonymous film directed by Al Bagram (a pseudonym under which the Spanish filmmaker and screenwriter Alfonso Balcázar worked). Jazz-noir numbers and disturbing chamber arrangements enforce the dark atmosphere of the film, a gothic film from 1972 that transcended the italian GIALLO tradition (which was actually an Italian-Spanish co-production). The themes created by the Maestro for this metaphysical horror bring to light a disturbing classicism, wrapping the listener in a gloomy (often nightmarish) horizon. One of the most sought after soundtracks by Piero Piccioni, available for the first time on vinyl on SUB OST.
LP | Subsound Records Original Soundtracks: SUBOST004 | out of stock |