Label: Pal SL - All

Baby Ford

Bford 08

A repress for four prime slices of classic Baby Ford minimal tech gear, from the rhythm-centric drum machine fest 'Very', the resonant bleepy tones of... more...

12inch Pal SL: SL8r € 15,99

Desert Sky

Need For Affiliation

Desert Sky debuts for London's PAL SL. Having previously stepped up for Assemble Music and Giegling he lays down two unique studies in unhurried rhyth... more...

12inch Pal SL: SL014 remind
Also available @ D\G\T\L


Dickens Tracks Volume 2

Dry funky minimalist techno tracks by Och. Cross Check and Magic flute are both winners!

12inch Pal SL: SL013 remind

Baby Ford & Zip

Clean Hands

The right side of minimal! Superb deep house/tech tracks.

12inch Pal SL: SL010 remind