Various Artists
Shangaan Electro - New Wave Dance Music From South Africa

An astounding compilation of the breakneck Shangaan dance output of the Nozinja studio in Soweto, recorded between 2006 and 2009. The traditional Shangaan music is fast. You play it slow, they won’t dance. music. Shangaan is fast. While others play at 110, we are at 180, 182, 183. And when you hear those marimba beats and that live guitar through the keyboard, you know it’s Shangaan. You hear those toms, then you know, this is Shangaan music. “You must be prepared to see the fastest dance ever,” Dog declares. The dances are wild, with films of them attracting more than half a million hits on You Tube. The tradition grows out of the Shangaan disco movement, a music that dominated in the ’80s with artists like Penny Penny and Peter Teanet. This album is the first release of its kind outside South Africa. Here is Dog’s music as‐is.
- 01 BBC - Ngunyuta Dance (The Shake Your Behind Dance)
- 02 Tshetsha Boys - Nwampfundla (Pfundla's Daughter)
- 03 Mancingelani - Vana Vasesa (My Sister's Children)
- 04 Zinja Hlungwani - Ntombi Ya Mugaza (Shangaan Woman)
- 05 N'wagezani My Love (Gezani's Daughter, My Love
- 06 Tiyiselani Vomaseve - Vanghoma
- 07 BBC - Ngozi (Danger)
- 08 Zinja Hlungwani - N'wagezani (Gezani's Daughter)
- 09 Tiyiselani Vomaseve - Naxaniseka
- 10 Tshetsha Boys - Uya Kwihi Ka Rose (Rose, Where Are You Going)
- 11 Nkata Mawewe - Khulumani (Let's Talk)
- 12 Zinja Hlungwani - Thula (So Quiet)
2LP | Honest Jons: HJRLP052 | in stock |