Auf Der Suche Nach Der Vierten Dimension
4D - Auf Der Suche Nach Der Vierten Dimension (LP)

The unreleased 1980's album by the musicians who are also known as Supersempfft. By the way previously featured on the GTA5 soundtrack. This album was a project for Virgin records which wasn't released back in the days. The 2016 pressings featuring the original 1982 music productions and the unused artwork. Remastered by Anthony Rother. Limited edition with golden gatefold cover + free download. By the way another great track by 4D/Supersempfft member Dieter Kolb is is featured on the new „Various -Let's Go Into Space 4“ compilation by Private Records: 'Carl Barok – Blue Nights In Granada'.
LP | Private Records: 369.033 | out of stock |