Heinrich Mueller
False Vacuum 2

Its been five years since Belgium's WeMe Records lovingly selected the first ever collection of Heinrich Mueller's (Drexciya/Doppleffekt) best remixes/remodels for a new generation of listeners that won't have to pay collector prices to have them on vinyl. Volume 2 of False Vacuum is now with us and still has riches to choose from. These 13 rare and hard to find tracks (3 of which make their vinyl debut) all deliver in different ways as he systematically reinvents each one.
Beginning with his raw and now classic remix of Ultradyne's 'Clones', the hard-edged dance-floor friendly 'Woman's Scent' by Cisco Ferreira (The Advent), the more laidback and futuristic sounding 'Bohrium 274' by Jauzas the Shining and Victoria Lukas, the slow and mysterious and first time on vinyl 'Somehow' by Rough Days For Diamond Trade, reinventing the darkest of dance-floors on 'Rytumtraks 0002' by Albert van Abbe, the moody masterpiece and first time on vinyl 'Now We Continue' by White Car, Duplex's 'Autoslug' sounding like its been rearranged inside a black-hole, a balancing act between the light and darkness on Fasenuova 'Cachito Turulo', an insistent rise and falling workout for As One's 'Where Did He Go and Why', a tightly wound and almost meditative 'The Truth' by The Exaltics, an angular stomping march of the robots 'Longwang' by 6D22, a jumpy fidgety groove for first time on vinyl 'Forty Eight Hours' by Yan Wagner and perhaps one of his most sublime pieces is kept for last with 'So Long For A Small Storm' by Dollska.
- 01 Ultradyne Clones Z Therapy Remix
- 02 Cisco Ferreira Womans Scent Heinrich Mueller Remix
- 03 Jauzas The Shining Victoria Lukas Bohrium 274 Remix Heinrich Mueller
- 04 Rough Days For Diamond Trade Somehow Dopplereffekt Remix
- 05 Albert Van Abbe Rytumtraks 0002 Rudolf Klorzeiger Remodel
- 06 White Car Now We Continue Heinrich Mueller Continuum
- 07 Duplex Autosug Heinrich Mueller Remix
- 08 Fasenuova Cachito Turulo Heinrich Mueller Remix
- 09 As One Where Did He Go And Why Heinrich Mueller Lamb Shift Model
- 10 The Exaltics The Truth Remixes Instinct Dopplereffekt Hubble Constant Remodel
- 11 6D22 Longwang Heinrich Mueller remix
- 12 Yan Wagner Forty Eight Hours Heinrich Mueller apeture synthesis remodel
- 13 Dollska So Long for a Small Storm Rudolf Klorzeiger Remodel
2LP | WeMe Records: WeMe313.33 | in stock |