Piero Piccioni
Musica Amore

MUSICA AMORE is an extraordinary album (1972) by Maestro Piccioni which includes songs from various soundtracks showing its many facets. He uses of the gorgeous black voice of Shawn Robinson in ''Right Or Wrong'' and ''Once and Again'' (from giallo thriller “...Dopo di che, uccide il maschio e lo divora” aka ''Marta” e ''La Volpe Dalla Coda Di Velluto” aka ''Eye Of The Hurricane”), the choir I Cantori Moderni di Alessandro Alessandroni, the band of I Marc4 (M. Majorana, A. Vannucchi, R. Podium, C. Pes) and soloists of the caliber of Gianni Basso and Dino Piana. An absolutely killer LP with superb arrangements, funky beats, exotic sound (''Ebony Ride'' from 077 Dall'Oriente Con Furore”), breaks, erotic lounge, beat, shake (''Abigaille'' from “I Giovani Tigri''), psychedelia (“Fiore Nero'' from “Inghilterra nuda''), and jazz, that stands as a key album in the world of italian library music and soundtracks.
LP | Cinedelic: CNST702 | in stock |