Luis Bacalov, Ennio Morricone

The amazing Luis E. Bacalov / Ennio Morricone 1971 experimental album repressed for the 1st time from the original master tapes. The 2 Maestros created these compositions approaching the most advanced set of problems existing in the contemporary European musical experience. The basic modules are those proper to certain procedures of Musique concrète: the non-traditional use of instruments for timbre research (e.g. the piano played on the tailpiece), the processing of human voices - almost always reduced to pure linguistic syntagms in polyphonic combinations, the highlighting of a whole series of noise-sounds which are not audible except through electro-acoustic devices, etc. Subsequently, the sound complex - stored on magnetic tape - is divided into separate sections, according to a criterion of timbre distribution, and then manipulated through superimpositions, variations in the speed of the tape, natural and artificial echoes, and other processes. The music was composed on the occasion of an exhibition of the painter Edolo Masci in Milan. Limited edition gold vinyl!
LP | Cinedelic: CNSVGOLD01 | in stock |