Larry McCormick

Shipwrec is delighted to welcome an electro pioneer into the fold. Larry McCormick has been at the coal face of machine music for two decades, carving razor sharp cuts under his Exzakt alias whilst spearheading future funk on his exemplary Monotone Records. Intelectro exemplifies twenty years of experience, twenty years of music production and twenty years of talent. "Banger" does exactly what it says, a crunching work that breaks with millisecond-perfect precision before deeper layers are unfurled. "Vibes" feels like three compositions combined. From its spacious intro the track dives into acid chords before resurfacing in refined warmth. Vintage grooves open "Rocker" with some extra muscle added through heavy kicks as samples circle to an ever tighter noose. Styles shift and strafe across the quartet leaving the lines of set expectations to blur and ultimately disappear. "Ride Low" is the final proof of this, understated percussion leading to sky soaring sytnhlines and free flowing harmonies. A 12" that melds disparate sounds with frightening ease, an artist bridging electro past, present and future.
12inch | Shipwrec: Ship054 | out of stock |