David Hoyt Kimball
Atmosfere N. 1-2

Two amazing and mind-blowing unrecognized gems (originally released individually in 1971 in ultralimited edition) by the American transplanted to Florence David H. Kimball (also known by the pseudonym Peymont) and Riccardo A. Luciani (which for contractual reasons could not use his name); 2 tracks are composed by Serena Marega, an obscure female electronic musician active in the late 60s and early 70s, who played extensively with Teresa Rampazzi, and was a founding member of the Gruppo NPS. Abstract, mysterious, evocative, experimental, futuristic and avant-psychedelic, ATMOSFERE is a fascinating electro-acoustic, industrial, dreamy journey that stands out in the panorama of Italian discography as one of the most original and an unusual example of psychedelia.
- 01 Sogno Dionisiaco
- 02 Sogno Apollonieo
- 03 Sogno Enigmatico
- 04 Sogno Grottesco
- 05 Sogno Nella Cattedrale
- 06 Carnevale Nella Stratosfera
- 07 Inchiesta Sul Futuro
- 08 Profumi Del Sud
- 09 Congresso A Babilona
- 10 Struttura
- 11 Insieme
- 12 Sesso E Droga
- 13 LSD Viaggo Nel Futuro
- 14 LSD Viaggo Nel Passato
- 15 Incubo Di Isabel
- 16 Nenezia Oggi
- 17 Apres L'Amour
- 18 Attesa Nel Tempo
- 19 Tra Mare E Cielo
- 20 Tra Mare E Cielo
- 21 Meditazione Yoga
2LP + Download | Cinedelic: CNLM701.2 | out of stock |